CEP INNOVATION’s activities

Fruit variety breeding

For more than 10 years, CEP INNOVATION has been involved in varietal breeding programs with INRAE for the following species: apricot trees, cherries and Prunus rootstocks, but also pears and Pyrus rootstocks.

Our selection process, which usually lasts between 10 and 25 years depending on the species, aims to ensure sustainable profitability for producers by combining the following criteria:

Taste quality

Agronomic quality

Commercial quality

In a regulatory context requiring a reduction of inputs (coupled with a growing similar demand from the market), we know how important it is to develop new varieties that are durably resistant to quarantine diseases and other pests.

To date, thanks to INRAE, we have a thorough knowledge of the genomes of fruit species, which enables us, in particular, to carry out molecular marker-assisted selection on certain species. The MAS permits us to eliminate hybrids very early regarding some specific criteria such as self-fertility, size, or more particularly for apricots, sensitivivity to the plum pox virus

Other ongoing researches stand in the incorporation of genetic funds for sustainable resistance to the main pests, for each species.

In a non-exhaustive manner, we focus on selecting cultivars with less susceptibility to monilia, ESFY, bacterial canker, apricot and peach aphids, Drosophila suzukii and other cherry pests, psylla, fire blight and scab in the pear tree.

For rootstocks, the selection criteria also include abiotic criteria such as tolerance to mild winters, drought, bursting, adaptation to replantation …

After crossing the parents so that the offspring is most likely to combine some of these criteria, we then select the most promising hybrids. In France, it is done through the national varietal evaluation system managed by CTIFL but also in our own experimental orchards located in the main production areas of each species evaluated. Internationally, our partners evaluate the adaptation of preselections in their different pedo-climatic conditions.

Before being released, to ensure the robustness of our selection, several repetitions of each cultivar will have been observed between 10 and 25 years on several evaluation sites.

The edition

As the exclusive editor of INRAE varieties for more than 15 years, CEP INNOVATION has a great experience in fruit varieties distribution.

Once a variety has demonstrated its commercial potential, then begins the dissemination work which consists in :

  • protecting the varieties through a Plant Breeder’s Right (PBR) issued by the various plant protection authorities in accordance with the provisions adopted by UPOV in 1961.
    The PBR guarantees its holder the control of the propagation of varieties. It also enables to prevent any illegal arrivals of fruits of the varieties on the protected territories. The PBR is therefore an indispensable tool for the valorization of a variety.
  • Propagating the trees through various nurseries which have obtained the license rights for the varieties. Nurserymes work closely with CTIFL and other foreign certification structures to produce certified trees that guarantee varietal authenticity as well as good sanitary status of the trees.
  • Promoting the varieties through technical visits, advertisements in trade shows or specialized magazines but also via the registration of trademarks contributing to give a strong identity to the varieties.


In a few figures

23 000

average number of stones and seeds collected each year in our different variety breeding programs


number of countries in which our varieties are propagated

2 000

year of creation of CEP INNOVATION


number of ARAMIS® apricot varieties sustainably resistant to plum pox virus